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Safety/Health Management

Safety/Health Management Policy

SK Specialty has set a Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) policy to establish a safe and healthy workplace and eco-friendly corporate culture, strengthening the safety, health, and environmental management for not only members but also all stakeholders such as local communities, customers, and business partners.

SHE Policy

SK Specialty pursues the protection of humans and the environment as a top priority at all stages of management activities, and actively practices the following matters to secures the trust of members and stakeholders, and for sustainable SHE management.

  1. 1. Establishing safe and healthy workplaces

    Through SHE-centered management, we continue to establish safe and healthy workplaces that all stakeholders, including members, communities, customers, and partners, can trust.

  2. 2. Pursuing an eco-friendly corporate culture

    We minimize emissions of pollutants through eco-friendly design, efficient use of resources, and introduction of optimal pollution prevention facilities, and protect the environment of workplaces and communities through systematic management and transparent information disclosure.

  3. 3. Securing trust through compliance

    We fully comply with safety/health/environmental regulations and stakeholder requirements, and secure the trust of stakeholders by establishing the highest level of SHE management system and transparently disclosing it.

  4. 4. Participation of members

    All members recognize SHE value improvement as a key task in management and continue to make efforts to achieve goals.

Safety/Health Management Direction

Safety management of the workplace is a matter that is directly related not only to the safety and health of the members, but also to the safety of the partner companies and the community, and even the surrounding environment. SK Specialty is establishing a system that can prevent accidents and respond to accidents in the early stages.

안전/보건 관리 방향에 관한 이미지 입니다. 자세한 설명은 하단 내용을 참고하세요.
  • Safety (안전)
    • 자율적 안전문화
    • PSM* 운영 정착
    • 협력사 SHE 동반성장
  • Health (건강)
    • 사람중심 작업환경 조성
    • 잠재적 건강위험 발굴과 개선
    • 화학물질 위험성 평가
    → High satisfaction
  • 이해관계자 행복추구

PSM : Process Safety Management, 공정 안전 관리

Safety/Health Management System

SK Specialty’s SHE management is led by the board of directors, introducing innovative safety technologies, establishing and operating safety/health systems.
We have established a SHE-related reward system to ensure that safety/health management is a top priority during work by aligning
safety/health performance with the performance assessment of CEOs, executives, each organization, and members.

Strengthening Safety/Health Management Activities

Member Safety Management

SK Specialty handles a number of chemicals due to the nature of the process, and workers must fully understand safety and health information for each chemical and wear related protective equipment for the safety of process. To monitor this in real time and respond quickly to safety accidents, various DT solutions, such as IoT/AI-based access control and protection detection system, and gas concentration radio detection system, have been developed and applied, and we plan to continue to expand AI/video-based SHE system improvements in the future. In addition, for the advancement of Process Safety Management (PSM), we have established a safety evaluation procedure system for process changes, and carry out PSM diagnosis and improvement, expansion of member training and audit. Furthermore, we will create a safe working environment by promoting the advancement of SHE audits by conducting and reporting SHE audits at workplaces, drawing up improvement tasks, and establishing plans. We will continue to carry out various activities for the safety management of our members in the future.

3 Major Injuries
Zero Goals

  • Zero human injury

    • Improve the level of safety culture by selecting tasks for establishing autonomous safety culture
    • Expand SHE inspection and strengthen on-site SHE inspection management through safety work guideline
    • Continuous management of LTIR index (LTIR 0.10 in 2023: 50% decrease compared to 2021)
    • * Based on our business establishment and partner companies

  • Zero process accidents

    • Improve the level of process safety management by checking PSM elements and improving vulnerable elements through external diagnosis
    • Improve member competency through PSM training by position and self-auditor training
  • Zero violation of laws

    • Establish and implement a compliance system of key laws
    • Review relevant laws such as the Industrial Safety and Health Act, the High-Pressure Gas Safety Control Act, and the Safety Control of Dangerous Substances Act

Health Care of Members

SK Specialty operates health examination and promotion programs for all members, including contract workers and dispatched workers. We regularly assess potential health risks in the workplace through risk assessment of cerebral cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal adverse factors investigation, office air quality measurement and management, and risk assessment of chemical substances to prevent occupational disease in the workplace We also measure the working environment regularly, including the workplaces of partner companies, and continuously improve our working environment. Based on the monitoring results, we carry out health promotion and disease prevention activities, and according to the results of the health examination, we conduct regular follow-up counseling and tracking management. We will continue to carry out various activities for the health management of our members in the future.

Zero Goal
for People with
Occupational Diseases

  • A 2% decrease in the
    proportion of people
    that require special health examinations compared
    to the previous year

    • Follow-up tracking examination and additional health counseling (once/year previously → 2 times/year 2022)
    • Follow-up tracking examination through comprehensive examination
    • Diversification of health promotion programs by disease (prevention of metabolic syndrome and cerebral cardiovascular disease, management of lifestyle, etc.)
    • Strengthening the management of people who require observation for occupational disease (add noise-induced hearing loss prevention program in 2022)
  • Expansion of Targets for Health Promotion Programs (2022)

    • Expanding the targets of follow-up management following the results of health examination (enhancing follow-up management including those who need observation)
    • Lowering the age subject to the support for comprehensive examination (36 or older → 30 or older)
    • Expanding health promotion programs to business partners (Implementation of a program to prevent cerebral cardiovascular disease and improve lifestyle in connection with the local community (Yeongju City)

Health Care of Partner Companies

SK Specialty supports the creation of a pleasant working environment to protect the health of partner company workers, and measures the working environment of partner companies to prevent occupational diseases. In addition, we support community-linked programs to prevent cerebral cardiovascular disease and improve lifestyle by expanding the health promotion program to partner company workers. We will continue to carry out various activities for the health care of partner company workers in the future, and we support new certification and follow-up of the environmental/safety and health management system to improve the level of SHE of our partner companies

Health Care
of Partner Companies

  • Improve partner
    companies’ SHE level

    • Support for new certification of ISO 14001 of partner companies
    • Support for post-certification of safety and health management system ISO 45001/14001 of partner companies
    • Continuous management of the LTIR index
  • Expansion of health
    promotion programs

    • Implement programs to prevent cerebral cardiovascular disease and
      improve lifestyle in conjunction with the community
      (CPR training, smoking cessation clinic, etc.)

Certification Status

SK Specialty has acquired and maintained ISO 45001 certification, which is an international standard for health and safety management system.
Through this, we enhance the level of safety management throughout the production process, and continuously improve and supplement the safety
and health management system through the virtuous cycle system of ‘Plan-Do-Check-Action.’

  • [인증기관] 한국가스안전공사 ISO 45001 인증서
    ISO 45001

    [Certification agency] Korea Gas Safety Corporation